Every day four women are murdered by boyfriends or husbands.
Every nine seconds in the United States a woman is assaulted and beaten.
Domestic violence is the number one cause of emergency room visits by women.
In homes where domestic violence occurs, children are abused at a rate 1,500 percent higher than the national
Women are most likely to be killed when attempting to leave the abuser. In fact, they're at a 75 percent higher
risk than those who stay.
A child's exposure to the father abusing the mother is the strongest risk factor for transmitting violent
behavior from one generation to the next.
You have the right to decide what happens in your life at any given time.
You have the right to decide what you want to do about the abuse. People can give you options, but
the decision is entirely yours.
You have the right to decide whether or not you will report the crime tothe police and how you want
to report it.
You have the right to decide who will know about the abuse and when.
You have the right to be informed at any time by the police and/or the district attorney as
to the progress of your case.
You have the right to have a support person with you at all times and you have the right to choose
who that person will be.
You have the right not to be a victim for the rest of your life. You were a victim, but now you
are a survivor.