Free encyclopedia of mental health information such as disorders, diagnosis, and medications. Online
diagnostic programs that can be used to diagnose anxiety and eating Disorders, mood and personality disorders,
and substance-related disorders.
leads the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction. Provides publications and
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report form, Special Information For Seniors.
Alerts and news, databases, charity reports and standards, dispute resolution, online complaint forms, resource library,
Housing Discrimination - HUD is ready to help with any problem of housing discrimination. If you think
your rights have been violated, the Housing Discrimination Complaint Form is available for you to download, complete and return,
or complete online and submit, or you may write HUD a letter, or telephone the HUD Office nearest you.
It's your right!
leads the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction. Provides publications and
reports, including information on drugs of abuse.
- Helps consumers report fraud and offers advice on how to avoid becoming a victim. Daily reports, online
report form, Special Information For Seniors.
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How to access the federal govenment on the internet
Legal documents online - wills, real estate, divorce, name change, copyrights & trademarks,
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Many different topics here!
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Information needed to enable anyone interested in the rights of disabled people to work for those rights.
The federal medicare, medicaid and SCHIP agency
And I'm throwing this one in for, well, just because...
Have you ever thought about how you will be remembered after you are gone?
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