Purr Angels
When a purr-baby passes over The Rainbow Bridge, he or she becomes a Purr-Angel.
They are greeted by all your other purr-babies and all their family that have passed over the Bridge before
Every purr-baby that is born has his or her own Guardian Purr-Angel.
The Purr-Angel keeps watch over the purr-baby.
When your purr-babies jump and it looks like they aren't going to make it, they do. That was their Purr-Angels
giving them a helpful push. Purr-Angels help purr-babies land on all four of their paws, even from really high places.
When your purr-babies seem to be talking or batting at thin air, they are really talking to their Purr-Angels.
When your purr-babies all of a sudden run sideways across the floor, they are playing with their Purr-Angel.
When your purr-babies seem to know there is danger coming such as a bad storm, tornado, earthquake,
or other disaster, their Purr-Angels have warned them.
When you look at your purr-babies, remember they are closely guarded by their Guardian Purr-Angel and so
are You.
(Author Unknown)
[The text above was sent to me via email. If you are the author of Purr-Babies or know who is, please contact
me so that I can give you proper credit for such wonderful work!]