.:My Furkids:.


::Our Canine Kids::
;;The Feline Furbabies::
In Loving Memory of ^Lucky^
For Jack
Our ^Granny-Angel^
Our Beloved ^Bob^
Our Precious ^Missy Anne^
In Memory of Our Little ^Mr. Higgins^
In Memory of ^Violet^
::Mandy Went Missing::
::More Photos Of All Our Furkids::
::Animal Cause Blinkies::
::Animal Welfare and Causes::

JACK was a stray (or so we thought) that paid us a visit and decided to stay ~ permanently. We fed him and provided shelter outdoors and accepted the fact that he would not be happy indoors.(Though he did come in to take a nap from time to time.) Jack's human mom arrived one day to claim him and take him home, but Jack was back at our door the next day!
Jack's mom never made a second attempt to take him back. We had made sure that his vaccinations were current and we had him neutered. He was very affectionate, wanting to love and to be loved. He had stayed with us for about a year and a half before he disappeared ~ just long enough to completely capture our hearts.


JACK disappeared in November, 2002, and although we handed out flyers,  placed an ad in the newspaper, and alerted our local animal shelter and veternarian's office, there has never been a sighting of him, to our knowledge. In my heart, I feel that Jack has gone to the Rainbow Bridge because I know he would have come home if he could have. Not a day goes by that we don't think of him. We miss him so much!

Purr Angels
When a purr-baby passes over The Rainbow Bridge, he or she becomes a Purr-Angel.
They are greeted by all your other purr-babies and all their family that have passed over the Bridge before them.
Every purr-baby that is born has his or her own Guardian Purr-Angel.
The Purr-Angel keeps watch over the purr-baby.
When your purr-babies jump and it looks like they aren't going to make it, they do. That was their Purr-Angels giving them a helpful push. Purr-Angels help purr-babies land on all four of their paws, even from really high places.
When your purr-babies seem to be talking or batting at thin air, they are really talking to their Purr-Angels.
When your purr-babies all of a sudden run sideways across the floor, they are playing with their Purr-Angel.
When your purr-babies seem to know there is danger coming such as a bad storm, tornado, earthquake, or other disaster, their Purr-Angels have warned them.
When you look at your purr-babies, remember they are closely guarded by their Guardian Purr-Angel and so are You.
(Author Unknown)
[The text above was sent to me via email. If you are the author of Purr-Babies or know who is, please contact me so that I can give you proper credit for such wonderful work!]